Sunday, December 21, 2008

AJ Snowboarding!

Winter Wonderland!

We have never had such weather before Christmas Before!!! It is such an adventure and it is just going on and on. No complaining at my house though, we love it!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Poor Eva!

Eva surprised us on Tuesday with Appendicitis! We went to the ER around noon and she had blood taken for testing, an IV that went bad and filled her arm up with fluid, an Ultrasound, a new IV on her other arm, and then a CT Scan to finally determine that the pain in her tummy was appendicitis. She had surgery at about 7:30 that night. She did really well and came home yesterday afternoon. She is recovering quickly and I am very proud of how brave she was through the whole thing!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Tree Time!

Andrey got our tree this year from a Christmas Tree Farm in Oregon that he was delivering trees for to California. It is not one that I would normally choose but it was free and I decided that I really like it. I usually get the more Charlie Brown type of tree that has room for our Tree Train and our long spinning ornaments. But this year I don't even miss them. AJ complained about not having the train on the tree but not too much:)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Night!!!

We went Trunk-or-Treating at the church then we just walked around the neighborhood a little bit. We also visisted with Grandpa Bill and Aunt Jackie. Lots of fun and Lots of Candy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Picking Pumkins!

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house with the Hawkins kids to pick pumkins on Saturday. There were so many pumkins each kid got to take two!

Monday, September 15, 2008

September beach trip!

We went to Longbeach, Wa this last weekend with Jessica and Grace. We spent the night in an old, but clean Hotel. We ate tons of seafood, and we got lots of sun and sand time. We had great weather and we all had a great time!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Frito Lay Picnic at Oaks Park!

We went to Oaks Park for Andrey's Company Picnic on Saturday. We all had a great time and did tons of fun stuff. We even got to roller skate! The weather was beautiful!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First day of School!

I can't beleive Summer is gone already! It's time for school again. Eva is in the 6th grade and in Middle School. Hanna is in the 3rd grade and AJ is going to his second year of Pre-School. I'm going to be one very busy mom this school year.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eva's B-Day!

Eva turned 11 years old yesterday! My baby is growing up!!! She chose not to have a big party this year. Instead she got a bunch of new school clothes, a cell phone and anything she wanted for dinner. She wanted BBQ Salmon, Shrimp Alfredo Pasta, Salad with shrimp, and for dessert, Banana Pudding. A few family members came over for dinner and we had quite the meal!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Disco Baby!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Monday, August 18, 2008

June and Huy came for a visit!

June came for a three day visit and brought her boyfriend to meet the family. We took them up the Gorge sightseeing, to Lake merwinn boating, to Larch Mountain target shooting, and to Big Al's bowling. We had a lot of fun spending time with June and getting to know Huy.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Camping at Cresap Bay!

We went camping with most of our family and some friends at the lake in July. We had beautiful weather and a ton of fun!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hanna's new Haircut!

After a very windy day at the beach, and a very painful attempt at brushing out the tangles in her hair, Hanna decided she wanted her hair cut. So Catherine came over and gave Hanna a great hair cut that she loves.

Beautiful Hawkins Babies!!!

I have beautiful neices!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Longbeach, Washington!

We went to Longbeach, Washington on Saturday with friends and family. It was very windy and cloudy all morning, but the sun came out in the afternoon and we got a little time on the beach. The kids all loved it and we all wanted to stay longer.

@ Lewisville Park!

We went to the park with the Hawkins and had a very exciting and eventful day! It was full of all kinds of adventures. Willow Threw up after spinning too much, Lakyn had to take a trip to urgency care to get four stitches in her knee after cutting it on a rock in the river, and Hanna got Hives all over the back of her legs from who knows what! Other than that, we all had a great time!